Mar 24, 2009 12:19

The neighbour had a minor kitchen reno: new countertops, new kitchen sink, new dishwasher. I have reno envy right now.

Her old dishwasher went out on the curb yesterday.  It's the same as our dishwasher.  Our dishwasher looks about ready to drop its top tray onto the bottom, the wheels on the runners are so badly worn.  Neighbour's dishwasher's top rack is just about pristine (darned house has had 3 owners, and only 1 small child!), and Spock took a screwdriver to it to salvage the runners AND the racks.

So Yay for the environment.  Boo for no guilt-free new dishwasher with higher energy star rating.

But that's one thing checked off the list of things to fix in the house.  Dammit, why does he have to pick up my curbside salvaging habits NOW?

Edit: OK, I'm not complaining about Spock's thrift or his resourcefulness.  Just a little disappointed that a new appliance is not in the near future.  Besides... I just signed both kids up for karate lessons today, so I think I can live with the old dishwasher.

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