So I'm still so new at this being a wife thing

Jun 19, 2011 03:42

A friend of mine who visited bath brought me a little booklet
"Don't vegetate as you grow older if you happen to live in the coutry. Some women are cows, but there is really no need to stagnate. Keep both body and the brain on the move."

"Don't think it beneath you to put your husband's slippers ready for him. On a cold evening especially, it makes all the difference to his comfort if the soles are warmed through."

How do you warm them up? Put them in the microwave?

"Don't greet him at the door with a catalogue of the dreadful crimes commited by the servants during the day."

Oh if I only could.

"Don't forget to "feed the brute" well. Much depends on the state of his digestion."

"Don't talk to your husband about anything of worrying nature until he has finished his evening meal."

"Don't buy expensive food, and have it ruined in the cooking. If your cook isn't up to French dishes,be satisfied with English ones cooked to perfection."

"Don't keep a servant who can't be puctual with meals. Nothing upsets a hungry man's temper more than being get waiting for his dinner."
Servant? Where are you?
"Don't let your husband wear a violet tie with grass-green socks. If he is unhappily devoid of the colour sense, he must be forcibly restrained, but-

Don't be sarcastic about your husband taste in dress. Be gently persuasive and train his sense of fitness."

Wel I married a black goes with anything black kind of guy...his taske is fine.
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