elfhild thinks

Jul 15, 2002 14:21

I tidy up Bag End when there are shrieks and screams and tears being feigned down the hallway at the obligatory nightly fight between Mr. Frodo and Mr. Samwise. Maglor plays with the children outside but other than that, I do not know what he does. I have not been to Rohan in a long while, not since I decided to leave Theoden to his own devices when he became a ferret-creature. Then, he was married to his sister's ex-husband! Imagine that. Of course, I do not know if Eomund and Theodwyn were ever fully divorced, and at that note, I do not know of Theoden and I are fully divorced as well. No paper were signed - we just went on our separate ways.

Oh, for the old days.
I was arranged to be married and I assented because there was nothing better to do. Theodwyn and I were great friends and both quite bloodthirsty, respectively on our own. Theoden was this easygoing schlub which Theodwyn quite adored, and I was ambivalent towards him. Oh, for the Sunday picnics in which all three of us would hunt and hold contests as to who could skin animals the quickest and as reward, a lovely Sunday roast to the music of screaming grassland creatures.

And then, there was the pregnancy. I must admit that I was always a sickly girl, and the pregnancy had been quite difficult - but an heir to the throne was needed, of course, so I trudged along as much as I could, only to go to my reward while in labour. I passed out from the pain and then found myself in Mandos. It can be rather shocking to a soul but I was relieved. Of course, then I found out later that Theodred had died before he could take the crown and that was a pity.

Mmmm, apples.
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