So my NaNo is slowly wrapping itself up. My word count was pretty hilarious to watch- you can see when I caught my cold, it suddenly levels off and then spikes for the day in the middle of my cold where I thought I was done being sick and got all sorts of writing done. And then got nothing done for the next couple days because I relapsed, garg. I'm still not completely done being sick, but my head is no longer so fuzzy I keep typing the same word. (Word grammar checker fixed that for me yesterday because OpenOffice only checks my spelling. Ten times I did that. Eight of which were in fuzzy-trying-to-keep-up-with-WC-but-really-just-dying-to-nap time. I'd start a sentence, start staring off into space, then return to sentence repeating the word I had stopped on. Mostly prepositions with a couple 'the's thrown in for good measure.)
I figured I'd toss out the first two sections- labeled part 0 and part 1 in google docs.
Google docs, btw, *hates* lengthy text documents. I play FB games to amuse myself while it struggles to load my 12-15k word files. It's a little annoying, which is why when I'm on my laptop I use Open Office instead. Google docs is for tossing out 800-1000 words during work hours. (Except this week, when there was nobody at work at my cold medicine was actually working and I typed out around 3k words because I didn't like one of my timeline changes and squished something in between for some fun action.) Google docs also doesn't like lengthy copy/pastes and crashes for anything more than what looks to be 2k words. Someone on the NaNo site mentioned dropbox and I swapped to using that instead. My PC hates it because I'm using .odt files and my version of MS Office doesn't read it, but it's not like I use my PC for much beyond games anyway. The work comp- and its newer version of Office- handles it just fine.
For those of you who went tl;dr, I have shinies.
Part 0 Part 1.0 Part 1.5 Part 2.0 Part 2.5 Part 3.0 Part 3.3 Part 3.6 More coming later, boyfriend getting antsy about constantly being blown off this month. (I don't complain about his WoW time, what's his problem?)
Still needs a title though. Any ideas?