Nothing of interest really happens to me- mostly because I love not having anything to do. My days consist of watching movies, playing video games, reading books, occasionally hanging out with people. It's boring and I like it that way.
Nice part about summertime is there's always a crap-ton of fun movies hitting theaters. Unfortunately, Lee was my main go-to person for hitting the movies (because I feel weird going by myself, mostly because making snarky comments about the trailers is no fun if you have no audience with which to share your cutting one-liners.) Which means I have yet to see Hancock, Hellboy 2, The Incredible Hulk, or Get Smart. There is possibly a pattern there. I like superheroes in movies. It's just superhero comic books I can't stand. I'm not certain if it's because you have to follow the entire publishing company's line (as cool an idea as the supes' Civil War was, do you know how many characters that thing had to keep up with? ... Yeah, nobody else does either, but a bunch of fans went broke trying); or if it's just because I was raised on Archies and newspaper cartoons, which follow completely different tracks and either have a set beginning, middle, end or else work simply as one-shots. Comic books, on the other hand, change artists, change writers, discontinue for years (sometimes forever...), rewrite canon, and never actually end. There is no happily ever after in DC-world. There is merely next month's exciting issue of fucking yet another superhero over. As Gaiman pointed out early on in the Sandman, the real problem with stories is knowing where to stop- if you keep them going long enough, they always end in death.
With the sibs in town, I have seen some movies. I saw WALL-E (which was the cutest load of self-righteousness I've ever seen- I'm not certain if I love it in spite of its baseball bat message or because of it) with Laura (who loves that cutesy shit). Wanted I managed to rope E. into seeing (because Angelina Jolie is hot with a H-A-W-T, even if the movie was nothing to write home about), as well as the latest Indiana Jones (which was going decently for a B-level action movie until Spielberg failed his will save and suddenly it became a D-level sci-fi movie) and Prince Caspian (which had me double-checking date of birth and her basking in relief at the fact her panting over the title character wasn't pedophilia). I've seen Iron Man twice, with as many people as I could talk into it, and want to see it again and again and again. Seriously, even though I knew Downey pretty much led Stark's life IRL (minus the genius superhero bit), I didn't think much of his acting ability- he doesn't come across as physical enough for a superhero movie. It really wasn't fair of me- his part in A Scanner Darkly is the only reason I'd even consider re-watching that movie. (Nothing against the acting on anyone's part, I just hate bad endings.)
The Dark Knight I mentioned to DJ and Jon, and we saw that for a morning showing on opening weekend. The theater was surprisingly full, considering the time of day. (Of course, it was opening weekend, and they had the same bright idea we did. Less crowds because nobody goes to bed early on Fridays. With the exception me. DJ actually hadn't even slept yet...) The theater entrance itself was so completely Joker-ified (also with a mini-shrine to the late actor) that one can only assume they had a midnight showing that probably sold out of tickets the week before. And while I cannot deny the awesomeness that is this movie, I would've bought evening tickets to Twilight (aka the 'Vampire Love' quartet about some twat named Bella and her emo vampire 'do I eat you or rape you' love of her life) solely to see its trailers.
Really, one trailer. Something I didn't really keep track of, barring the hunting down of actors and going "huh, you sure about that? Pretty sure an actress playing someone's mother ought to be more than seven years older." (Nothing against Carla Gugino, she had a very fine ass in Sin City, and did a marvelous job of acting in Threshold, but she looks nothing like the character in question). Anyways,
Watchmen. Oh my god, Watchmen. They've only been false-starting production of this movie for fifteen years. (And trying to get someone to write a script since it came out...) And it comes out for my birthday next year. 25 is my new lucky number, barring any unforeseeable actions. (Such as Snyder finally realizing Moore's never, ever going to watch it and burning all copies of the film before its released. ... It could happen. Just look at America's Sweethearts.)
In actual life news that has nothing to do with movies and my love of comic books turned into movies, my eye hurts. As in, please do not touch my lower eyelid because it is pinkish and swollen and sore. Has been for a couple days now. I'm kind of wanting to find an eye patch, because lights make me blink more, which makes the eye hurt more. On the plus side, it makes for a nice distraction from the permanent low-grade headache I've had the past two weeks. (Which got started by the mother of all migraines. One should never wake up in the middle of the night to a random nighttime noise, only to go "ow, omg, wtf?" and start sobbing with pain and not be able to get back to sleep for hours before some blessed soul brings you Excedrin Migraine and a glass of water.)