something which I have been following in only the vaguest of senses. It crops up on Fox News sometimes at work (those times when Bud's there and we can't watch the history channel ). And I have no idea whatsoever where these people get the idea that because some imprisoned murderer/gang leader writes a few children's books that speak
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And frankly if you are repentant that's between you and God. If you're truly sorry for the crimes you've committed you would understand the necessity to accept what happens now. This makes me unpopular with more 'forgiving' Christians but it's how I feel.
So the man's done a few good things, good for him- he should strive to do so. But they don't equal up to four lives that will never have the chance to unfold- and they never will.
The next day, for some reason, this was printed. How bizarre!
More news-watching brought up a youngish guy who killed a younger cousin of his. His sentence? 20 (or is it 25?) to life, with a chance of parole at seven years if he had good behavior. Seven! What, he gets a year for every year his victim had? He may be barbaric, but are we any better for allowing him that early chance of freedom? That kid will never have a future. Forgive his killer if he's repentant, but don't say he gets tabula rasa because of that repentance. The kid's still dead and he needs to know that that death will stay with him the rest of his life. Seven years won't teach him anything. You don't parole murderers just because they played well with others in jail. Let him out at his twenty.
- Locke
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