Oct 14, 2005 20:15
I'm hurt that Liz skipped me over for E, and that Carmen didn't notice I wasn't tagged at all. *cries* This also means I know nobody to tag besides the twins...
--Rules: The starter sets a topic and posts the answers in his/her own blog and then passes it to another 5 people (with their names attached at the end of the entry), then those 5 people being tagged have to state the name of the "tagger" and write the answers in their own blog and pass on to another 5 people...
Topic: My Weird Habits
1. I read. I read everything. The back of cereal boxes, the French assembly directions, stall doors, the romance novel left lying around, ingredients lists, junk mail, the Playboy in the bathroom at work. (They have the awesomest blonde jokes. But I'm not E, so I'm not repeating them. Suffice to say 'how many blondes does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two but I don't know how they got in there' is the cleanest they get.) It doesn't matter if I like it or not, I have to read it, and I have to finish it. Or the world will end.
2. Twitchy fingers. They chip at paint, at fingernails, at my lips, at glue, scratch at non-existent itches, draw invisible pictures on nearby surfaces, trace freckles into designs, and of course, the joint-popping. (Liz and I once cracked our knuckles in unison when Pug commented on the habit. That was amusing.) My fingers must be doing something. Of course, all of me is twitchy, it's just that focusing the twitchy into the fingers means I can sit still for very long periods of time and not notice it.
3. Talking during a movie. I can't stop, sorry. I multitask at everything, and movie multitasking is picking out details and telling everyone else about them. Why does the summary for Wild, Wild Planet say astronauts must face 'an army of inflatable women' if there are no blow-up dolls? Why does no one else wonder about the magical bagel/waffle in America's Sweethearts? Quit shushing me, you already know how the entire movie goes! See the rest of it, the small pieces of it you can't be *bothered* to watch because they aren't what the movie is about. Life's not about the plot- the plot's always the same; it's about the litle things ao easily missed if you aren't looking for them.
4. I don't wear shorts, except sometimes to bed. I get cold way too easily, and I'd rather be a little warm in pants during the walk between car and building than be freezing my knees off for hours on end in air-conditioned rooms. So my room is kept at the temperature I like (which would probably cause Liz to break out in a sweat if she was ever in it for half an hour), and I wear sweaters and pants and layers whilst in the rest of the world.
5. Seriousness. No matter how many jokes I crack, I take everything said at face value. I get calls at work from one of the guys at the other shop, and because I never recognize his voice, he can say he's Fred from Home Depot or Mike from the pizzeria and I'll pass the message along to Dad and let him figure out who it is. I don't have the time to waste deciding if you're trying to be funny or not; so if I don't get it, it obviously wasn't your sad attempt at a joke, you were being serious and I'll try to be likewise.