AnimeNation's most recent newsletter. contained the following article...
Hayao Miyazaki Fans Unite!
In response to last week's news that the Disney Company has no intentions of releasing any further Studio Ghibli films in America, an internet petition and letter writing campaign has been formed by fans to urge Disney to reconsider its decision. A similar campaign to urge Disney to include a subtitled Japanese language track on the Princess Mononoke DVD gathered 10,000 signatures, national media attention, and ended successfully. This petition will need similar, if not more support to most likely be even partially effective. As devoted supporters of anime in general and the works of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli in particular, AnimeNation urges readers to take a moment to read and sign the petition and write letters to the Disney mailing address provided at I'm obviously confused....
How can they be upset about Disney wanting to get out of the anime translation buisness? I want to see the stuff translated and produced as well, but I understand Disney's position. It's logical really. It's really partially the fault of these people who run around like chickens with their heads cut off, making petitions online. "Sign this petition against allowing such and such company to dub such and such anime!"
What do you expect to happen? Really...
When one gets national attention, okay so that one demanded a sub be produced, but the way it was gone about was equally rude. Of course after having to deal with that, it's not surprising for a company to pull out of translatng anime. It's a PR nightmare! Because everyone has to bitch and complain and generally be trolls about an anime getting dubbed... Really people. Most of you started in anime via the dubbed stuff. Personally, I like to see both subbed and dubbed. I can understand a dislike of either.
But if these whining and childish petitions contnue the way they have, it'll be a wonder if anime continues being translated....
And don't sit there glomping your loved fansubs saying you don't care... If there's no risk of an anime ever being contracted, do you think fansubs will remain free or at reasonable prices? Feh...
Anyways... just my two cents...