Originally posted by
djmichealsfics at
NoH8**well said**
Originally posted by
firebirdblue at
NoH8Originally posted by
ferneberga at
NoH8Originally posted by
the_proofreader at
NoH8Originally posted by
ellenscult at
NoH8 There's an advert I'd dearly love to see made. I don't think it will, at least not any time soon, but I can live in hope, right? This year, here in the UK, the Olympics are due to start sometime soon. There'll be athletes from all over the world, sportsmen and women, coming together in a unity of purpose that transcends competition. So right now would be a fantastic time to send this message.
I would have this advert be shots of all our sportsmen and women, the ones who are competing in the Olympics, the (insert nationality of your choice -[British]) football squad (male and female), rugby team, cricket team. I'd have them saying a few words each, just talking to the camera, to the people watching at home. And what I'd have them say is this:
It doesn't matter what colour we are, if we're male, female, fifteen, twenty-five, thirty-five, forty. We're proud to be TeamGB. We're proud to be athletes, sportsmen, sportswomen. We're proud to represent our country playing the sports we love.
But for some of us, playing sport, taking part, competing, being part of a team, means living with fear. Not fear of losing, fear of failing, fear of not being good enough. It means living with the fear of being found out, of being hated for who we are, because of our sexuality. It means having to hide the people we love, the people who are most important to us.
But being gay, lesbian, bisexual, straight, asexual doesn't affect our ability to hit the ball, kick the ball, hit the target, run, jump, swim, dive, row, sail, box, cycle, ride. Sport is about equality. Just as there's no place for racism in sport, there's no place for homophobia.
Like I said, I can't see this advert getting made. But wouldn't it be really cool if it did?
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