Some A**HOLE just hit my HOUSE and drove off!! I was sitting here and heard a loud noise and went outside to find that the brick wall attached to the house was destroyed, my garden run over, and the tracks came to within inches of my HOUSE itself.
We didn't see the car. All we can see are the tire tracks through the ice and snow on my yard right up to my house. The car apparently hit my brick wall, jumped it, ran through my raised garden destroying it, got caught with the second set of wheels on the wall, bounced back missing my basement by inches, drove off hit my tree (Luckily it was the tree that I hate and it didn't go any real damage there anyway), and then left! *%$(^&%&^$^%$^(&^*&^#
Called the police, took photos, and the police say they'll file a report, but we're pretty much out of luck to find the culprite without even a paint chip.
I will miss my wall and my garden and my fence. But I'm glad that the brick wall kept my house safe. Based on the direction etc I'm positive that without the brick wall I'd have a giant hole in the side of my house.
Incidentally in the past month both Joe and myself who park on the streestide have had someone sideswipe our cars and not leave insurance info either. WTF is wrong with people!!!! The damage to my car put a bunch of new dents on the side and now keeps the passenger door from opening properly ;_;
Here is a photo of my poor brick wall. The house itself is right off the picture on the left.