Pictures Time

May 28, 2008 02:47

So I have millions and millions of photos. First off there are the galleries from Anime Central. I was cosplaying Miranda, redjack_ryan was Krory, brightdreamer was Lavi, alararose was Allen, trunknebold (Chuck) was Skin, Tree was Lenali, priestessfilia was Road, Eowyn was Tiki, __kat__ was Timcanpy.

I'm still working on uploading, so if you want everything you may want to return later, but here's where I'm putting them. BTW in the upper folders on this gallery you can find Melody's photos too.

millions of Acen photos

Also, while sorting through photos for this I also came across and uploaded some silly photos of Bryer. My favorites are the one form the St Patrick's day party at which Bryer and the hosts's boston terrier, Bonnie started out fighting and tussling, then they flirted a few minutes and then they apparently decided to kiss and make up. I've never seen dogs actually kiss before, but Bryer and Bonnie were extremely interested in sitting there licking each other repeatedly in the mouth. Very cute, and slightly disturbing.

puppies being cute
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