May 14, 2011 14:32
WTF a new version of HanaKimi, this soon? :0! I mean, the previous Japanese HanaKimi drama aired in 2007, right? What's the point in making another only four years later -with the exact same production staff?
AND WHAT THE EFFING HELL, they chose Maeda Atsuko as the lead? There're two actresses that I simply hate and they are Toda Erika and Maeda Atsuko. Maeda's acting is so... wooden. In Q10 her acting fits, and I've quite liked the eps I've watched so far. I mean, she's playing a robot, she doesn't have to be expressive at all. But, she seems somehow fake in every PV and variety show segment I've seen her in.
AAAALSO, I'm going to protest so hard if all the ikemen roles are filled with those clone-like JE Juniors :( (LOL, sorry, here're quite a bunch of JE fans, not meant as an insult. It's just that a quite large portion of them can't act that well, and to my eyes, they look identical. Minus Fujigaya, he's kinda hot. Anddd, well, this is just me, but I like my boys a bit older.) I tried to think of a boy who'd fit Nakatsu's role better than Toma, and I just couldn't come up with any names.
The upcoming drama version of Ouran doesn't inspire me either. The manga provides settings for an excellent gender-bender comedy, however, once again, the casting bugs me. I'm nitpicky I know but could someone explain how they ended up choosing Yamamoto Yusuke for the project? He might do nicely as Hunny but if he's the lead... Well, time shows.
BUT there're also shows that I'm eagerly expecting :D Festival which I've mentioned before, Soredemo, Ikite Yuku (yey, Eita takes a gloomier role!) and Shirota Yu's Arakawa Under The Bridge♥ (On a totally random sidenote, I love the RETARDED tweets Akanishi Jin bombards Yu with 8DD)
Stuff that I'm gonna keep an eye on: Detective Conan (if the cast's good, this will ROCK) anddd Sayonara Itsuka (the cast is epic, I'm just hoping the script will be too).
O-ka-y-h. I think I've ranted and rambled enough for one day :D I'm sorry, I haven't much read flist lately, I have one more exam on Monday +an essay and study diary to return next week as well, so I've been a bit busy. And after that my summer studies began 8DDD so not much vacation for me, I'm afraid.
i object,
miss rii maaaaad,