...and apologized properly to Juha (because I was a bitch to him on Wednesday).
And he laughed. FUCKING LAUGHED 8D; That jerk. He said he had been expecting my apology all day long and that on Wednesday, he had recognized right away that I was just attention-whoring. Well fucking thanks a lot. ....<3
Yesterday I was also playing more Little Big Planet with C and
yuumei_nata. I seriously want a Playstation 3!! But. BUT. *W* JOSH GROBAN IS FINALLY COMING TO EUROPE!!♥! So, all the spare money that I have must be used to get to see him. Hmm. He hasn't included Helsinki which sucks but going to Stockholm or Copenhagen shouldn't be too difficult. I thought I'd ask Juha to pay a trip as a combined anniversary/Christmas/birthday present, and I could ask money from mom as well with the same excuse. Waaaaah. I really want to see him~
AND I saw the first full trailer for The Hangover 2 today too, and ahjskajhsja I want to see it already♥ It seems to be an exact copy of the first one but whattheheck, the concept is hilarious and if the jokes are just as good as in the first Hangover film, I have nothing to complain about.
Fuck, it's 3pm. I haven't showered yet. I haven't done anything yet, in fact. I spent my morning reading fics :D Found some exciting murder stuff~ Anyhoo, Juha will get home soon, perhaps we'll play nice today and do something together. *clicks to Finnkino to see which movies premiere today*