Mar 22, 2011 00:54
I wanted to read something today really, really badly. I have a few Terry Pratchett books unfinished (Soul Music and The Last Continent, then I've read all his stuff!♥) but sometimes I just crave for a good fluffy/sappy/funny/angsty romance story. There were no new updates in jrockyaoi or aliceinloveland, so I did something I've planned on doing for some time: I started browsing through the tags for "Kagrra" and "Alice Nine".
I managed to get through the Kagrra tag, there was "only" like 300+ entries tagged, and most of were PSC crossovers, so it was pretty easy job to skim through the stories. It was a shock how very little people have written IsshixNao :( They're the best. I found a few stories with them, and they were quite enjoyable -not superbly funny or butterflies-flying-in-my-stomach romantic but they were well written. (I've noticed that the quality of writing seems to be rather good in the fandom in general.) There was BUNCHES of NaoxShin, and I opened a few of those in new tabs as well but they weren't quite the type I was looking for.
The Alice Nine tag was pretty messy, lol. Almost 1000 entries, huh. I tried scrolling them in reversed order (from present to past) but when I ran into like fourth fic written by me, I realized it would take forever to get to fics that were old enough that I hadn't seen them before. I opened the calender view and selected year 2006 randomly and began searching. Tons of ToraPon and TONS of Tora/Nao, which was quite surprising, I didn't know the pairing's been such a hit from the beginning?
But no ToraGacchi for me -without mpreg or vampires or other stuff alike. I just wanted something rather down-to-earth with good drama and some romance/smex.
It's been such a long time since I read something long that really made me anticipate for the next chapter :(
I found one high school fic. It wasn't inventing powder again but it had some funny parts and the ToraGacchi that I so craved. Yeah. And THEEEEEN it turned in a blink of the eye into a poorly written ShouPon porn. There was some casual talking first, boys goofing around, and then one of them just blurted out something totally awkward related to blowjobs and whatnot, and after that the story was plain mindless porn. (I know I shouldn't be complaining about other people's writings because God knows, I've written my own share of stupidity, and I know it's hard to write comprehensive plots, but this person had put Nao in coma right before the porn ensued and it was just so "doing Magic Cock all wrong" because Shou was apparently super happy about the pr0n because it took his thoughts away from his best friend's condition. People! Stop and think before you write! If you see your best friend being overrun by a car, you just don't want to have sex right away after it DD: Or at least write it with some reason -it shouldn't be all ecstatic and steamy, and fluffy and cute after the act, when their friend is unconscious in the hospital.)
Sorry, had to get that out of my system.
So. ANYONE, any good Alice Nine/Kagrra/MUCC/Kiyobaby recs for me to read? I'm not really that picky that I may seem based on the rant above :D As long as the story makes sense I'm ready to read anything. Pairing-wise... at this moment, I'm willing to read pretty much any :) Well, Isshi/Akki and ToraPon have never been particularly my cup of tea but feel free to persue me believing otherwise! (Oh, and some Pi/Jin would be cool too. Good Pin writers seem to have disappeared from the face of the Earth *pouts*)
PS. It was fun -and a bit baffling- to see the great variety of bands that jrockyaoi used to have between 2002-2007. I saw fics for Baroque, Psycho le Cemu, Hakuei, Kirito, Lolita23q... The contrast to the current DEG/Gaze flood was drastic. I wish people started writing with greater variety again. I'm all in for crossovers and cracky pairings! :D
miss rii confused,
alice nine,