First: What Rii Wants For Christmas:
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☆MUCC: Karma (apparently there has been at Tainted World that MUCC'd be returning to Finland in January? *w*)
☆Inception on DVD
☆The new Don Rosa book (hee, well, actually mom gave me money so that I could buy it at the signing session; I hid the book at Juha's so that I won't be able to read it before Christmas >D I'll take it to mom's next week so that she can wrap it up prettily~)
☆...and that's it? :D I know I've grown old because every year mom buys us three kiddos a lot of soft stuff, you know, socks and sweaters and pajamas and sheets and towels and whatnot, and this year, I'm actually looking forward to them, lol.
I'm so ridiculously broke this year that I'll be making all the presents myself. This will be an interesting challenge, oh yeah.
This is ridiculously awesome: KITLERS!!!! Yesterday, I and Juha spent like an hour+ watching cat videos and Christmas light shows in Youtube 8D; Maru-chan is still my all-time favourite cat, can't help it♥ (Juha's inner tech nerd nearly cried happy tears as he browsed through all the light shows synched to TSO's music. I love him<3)
Theeeen... A picspam made of Utter Random:
Okay, this is here to entertain my Finnish readers 8D; Cuba, mainioin baari ehkä evah?
Haha, this shaken picture was taken by
yuumei_nata some weeks ago :D We participated in appro -I don't know if other university cultures have anything similar? It's a student thing: a bunch of bars and restaurants team up and offer cheap drinks for one night. You buy a "pass" with which you tour the bars and collect stamps on it (you can get only one stamp from one place. You can drink more than one drink/place but they won't give you more stamps). When you have enough stamps -aka you've drank enough XD; -you receive a "drinking degree". This was my first time in an appro, so I got the first degree that is approbatur. I had to drink 6 drinks, so it wasn't that much. I had fun, and I'm definitely going to go again :D
I made a cake! ^o^v I can't say "baked a cake" because honestly, the cake had nothing to do with baking XD; It's called "Angel's kiss" and it includes meringue, whipped cream, chocolate mousse and banana. Quick to make, melts in mouth, and indeed, it tastes heavenly♥
My favourite purse!♥♥ I'm not much into brands but I've noticed that I've loved almost everything by LYDC (London's Young Designers'... Collaboration?).
I might've showed you this before? Anyhoo. I like playing around with my nails. They used to be long and strong but because of my current eating habits (I don't get enough calsium and vitamin C) my nails have suffered :( Well, here's an attempt to make my short nails look nice too.
Say hello to fat!Eva....
...and Eikka~ Eikka loves those CDJapan boxes :D
Jolly, my little sister's dog :3 Isn't she a sweetcake?♥ Seeing her next week, can't wait to give her a good scratch behind ears~
....AUTUMN BOOO. Cold and wet and chilly and I DON'T WANT TO.
I had a kanji test on Tuesday, you can tell :'))) It went well, which is nice. Also, I got my Japanese speech back, and, well, uh, that one... didn't go as well. *sighs* The papers were full of red marks, corrections, notifications, huge chunks of text underlined or overstroke... How can it be so goddamn difficult to write one freaking speech? :((((
That's enough of pictures. I have translated parts of Mike's Q&A post, I think I'll post that separately. It's encouraging that even though I suck at writing, at least I know how to read, lol.