This has been floating around quite a lot lately, so I finally gave in and decided to post it as well. Plus, I'm really not into doing homework atm, and the pile of dishes that are waiting for me to get washed isn't that intriguing either, so...
first: if you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
second: tag eight people. don't refuse to do that like a pansy. unless you really don't want to of course. and if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!
(I am a pansy, apparently. Not tagging anyone, feel free to yoink.)
Favourite song right now?
THIS IS EASY. Eminem feat. Rihanna Love The Way You Lie. BECAUSE HEY HAVE YOU SEEN THE MV? DOMINIC_FUCKING_MONAGHAN♥! (um, yes, these non-musical elements are important to me :'D) Kiyoharu's I Know has been on repeat a lot lately, too.
Last album you bought/downloaded?
Kiyoharu's Madrigal of Decadence and Alice Nine's Senkou.
Last movie you watched? Did you like it?
Tristan and Isolde (not as stereotypical as I was afraid, pretty enjoyable), Inception (the most awesome thing evah!) and yesterday I watched PotC: The Curse of the Black Pearl from the corner of my eye while I was doing my homework and the movie happened to be on tv. Jack Sparrow is always sexy<3
Three shows you love right now?Three random facts about yourself?
1) I'm bad at organizing my daily activities. I always end up doing something I wasn't supposed to do at all, and then the things I wanted to do/I really should have get done remain untouched
2) I never sell CDs, even though I wouldn't listen to some of them that often. I'm a collector and a nerd -they look neat, I like to have them<3
3) Current craze: Trafalgar Law~
What makes you happy?
Good movies, Juha♥, pets (we have decided to take a dog with J~ :D), music, beautiful people, re-arranging my stuff (I don't mean cleaning; from time to time I just like to revamp my bookshelf/CD tower), toys, hats, FOOD........
Name two items nearest to you:
1) Japanese text book
2) Skullcandy's earphones
Top five words/phrases you use?
1) "Voi kilinpillu!" (erm yea, not translating that one xD)
2) Fuck
3) Njau
4) Style (true Japanologist style; true nerd style; true whatever-style-that-applies-here)
5) "WHERE IT IS I CAN'T FIND I'M RUNNING LATE OMG" something along those lines
Two things you're excited for this year?
1) Work
2) Possible move-in-together with my BF
Your favorite ice cream flavor?
Phish Food by Ben&Jerry, triple-chocolate, "Kinuskikeksiyllätys"(?) by Pirkka
Do you have any piercings?
One on my lower lip. Planning to take another as soon as I get some money.
What movie have you seen the most?
LotR trilogy (~20 times altogether), the first PotC&10 Things I Hate About You (at least 10 times each), andddd... Princess Bride. Yeah.
If you could rescue any animal, what would it be and would you keep it?
Basically, if it has fur, I'm sure to adopt it :D I'd love to have a chipmunk.
Worst movie you've ever seen?
Iron Man1 (refusing to watch 2 because I'm sure it's probably even worse), that one stupid dog flick with David Spade orrrrrrr maybe Twilight2. Crap is crap.
Best way to relax?
Listening to music while eating/reading a good comic
Favourite quote/lyric?
I'm not starting to copypaste because I guess I should move onto the homework soon if I want to get it done before Juha comes but shortly: MUCC's Libra as a whole, and from Alice Nine Tsubasa (it's sad such a fine text has been put together with such a lousy composition) and White Prayer
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter?
...Shunkashuuto 8D Sorry, couldn't resist. Each has something good, but... Probably early autumn/late summer.
Say something to the person who tagged you:
I wasn't tagged. So, can I say to myself instead? HI YOU AWESOME GIRL. You look pretty today~
Okay, and if you're NOT going to read the meme above: DOMINIC MONAGHAN IN RIHANNA'S NEW MV. I didn't have a clue :D Happened to see it this morning and I went bonkers! It's like, wow! He's a versatile actor, even if many refuse to recognize that. It was great -and a bit creepy- to see him in the video, fighting with that girl and drinking and stealing and being as unhobbity as possible♥
yuumei_nata: I REMEMBER!!!! fighto!)
PS. Hungover and Rushed!!, the most epic thing Ray William Johnson has ever produced. Check it out in Youtube if you want to see cute baby lambs and Simba getting surprise buttsecksu. No kidding here. Disney ain't sacred anymore.