1# ~ Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme and their current wallpaper.
~ Explain in no more than five sentences why you're using that wallpaper.
~ Don't change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on!
*Aajsfhakshs. I made this around two years ago, and I'm still thinking this wallpaper set is one of my best graphic works till this day. I don't like using black or white as my wallpaper because those colors hurt eyes. Gray is good. Tora is good.
2# List all of the television shows you have on DVD, no matter how obscure or embarrassing. Even if you only own one season, list it! Let's see who has what!
*Prison Break, season one, full
*All Creatures Great And Small, seasone one, full
*Pasila, season one, full
*Gilmore Girls, season one, full
*Doctor Who, new series, season one, full
*BBC's Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, full
3# Answer the questions using the names from ONE artist ONLY. Please do not use the same artist as me and
not use the same title more than once. It may be harder than you thought!
Choose your artist: Christian Walz♥
Are you a man or a woman?
A Beat Like Me
Describe yourself:
How are you feeling now:
Never Be Afraid Again
Describe your place of living:
No No
If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Preferred transportation:
Your best friend:
Favourite colour:
Red Eye
Your favourite time of day:
Midday, Friday, Payday
If your life was a tv show, what would be the name of show:
More Than Flowers
What is the life for you:
Your current relationship:
Why You Wanna Save Me?
What sucks:
Missing You
The expections of future:
I wouldn't mind:
I am afraid of:
Sunday Morning Break-Up
My best advice:
Hold My Hand
If I changed my name, it would be:
What's Your Name?
The thought of day:
You Look All The Same
How would you want to die:
Fade Away
My motto:
Maybe Not