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(Okay, this is kind of random but I ran into this Tahiti80 music video in youtube just now and hey, who remembers this? :D I used to love this video crazily a few years ago. I mean, there's panda people and a curly-haired vocalist; what NOT to love? ♥ I'm listening to their newer songs now but they don't really strike in the same way this one does. " friend was high enough to stop you from moving forwards/it's the same situation now/no one can stop you, just go now, go now!")
Anyway. Actually, now when I started to think about the money I've spent on Alice, I decided I should make an inventory of some sorts. So, behind the cut I'm listing all the CDs I own, as well as music DVDs and other precious music related items. Music is amazing! I couldn't live without it♥
(all full-length albums unless otherwise stated)
-->Greatest Hits
-->Make It Good
Backstreet Boys:
-->Backstreet Boys
-->Backstreet's Back
Christian Walz:
-->Christian Walz
-->Paint By Numbers
-->The Corner♥
Darren Hayes:
(SERIOUSLY I LOVE THIS MAN TO DEATH AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVEN'T BOUGHT HIS OTHER SOLO ALBUMS! This man makes beautiful music, and his message to his listeners is just... halting. He's perfect♥ //rant)
Disco Ensemble:
-->Viper Ethics
Feeling, The:
-->Twelve Stops and Home
James Blunt:
-->Back to Bedlam♥
Jarkko Martikainen
Jimmy Eat World:
Josh Groban:
-->Josh Groban
-->Live at the Greek
-->A Collection
Killers, The:
-->Hot Fuss
Lauri Tähkä ja Elonkerjuu:
-->Maailma on renki
-->Secret Samadhi
-->Immaculate Collection
-->The Curb
-->The State♥
-->Silver Side Up
-->Never Again (single)
-->The Long Road
-->All The Right Reasons
-->Dark Horse
Ricky Martin:
-->Ricky Martin
-->Sound Loaded
-->Almas del Silencio
Savage Garden:
-->Karma And Effect♥
Shania Twain:
-->Come On Over
-->Bridget Jones's Diary
-->King Arthur
-->Little Women
-->Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
-->Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
-->Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
-->Pirates of the Caribbean: The Black Pearl
-->Van Helsing
(Yeah, I love Hans Zimmerman's and/or Klaus Badelt's movie music~♥)
-->Outo elämä
-->DVD: Outoa katseltavaa
LOL that picture of Backstreet Boys never ceases to amuse me 8D