I have 2 different German course books and both of them have CDs to listen to texts. And the content of these discs puzzles me much. The problem is pronunciation. Our teacher told us that "in classic rules" the letter "r" is not pronounced as firmly as it mostly is in Russian and almost Russian pronounce it speaking German. In particular she said that in the end of the word it's not pronounced at all and in the middle it's like half-pronounced. I figured out that it is quite appropriate to keep in mind the English version of "r" like in "bear" and to sound something similar in German. I haven't been speaking much at the lessons, but she had never told me I'm saying it wrong.
But, I've just listened to 2 different CDs and the pronunciation is very different. The first - "The intensive course of German", a Russian author's book - stroke my ears with firm "r" and quite an unpleasant dry pronunciation. The second one - originally German course book of German language, published by "Hueber" (if it matters) - suggested the more soft pronunciation very much alike to what I supposed to be appropriate for myself.
The teacher told us that there are Germans who always pronounce the clear, firm "r" and there are those, who don't, who sound more classic according to the rules. Still, I wonder what is more likely to hear in everyday life. Though I doubt I will ever manage to speak so dry and strictly and pronounce such an "r", I still would like to understand am I doing it wrong or right.
Well, I suppose this question goes basically to
akasha6 and
naked_runner (thank you both for being my friends<3) but anyone who can help is welcome.