(no subject)

Oct 01, 2009 20:46

Stayed home and did housework. I couldn't stand it anymore.

Dave invited me to attend the District Committee meeting this evening. Since he doesn't have a Chairman at the moment he had to run the meeting...and those people are crazy. These are 'mature' individuals and they cut up and did sillier things than the camp staff! I don't know how they managed to get anything done but they planned their Scouting for Food campaign, a Veteran's day event, some training sesion and even got some idea for the District dinner and the FOS fund raiser.  Then on the way  home Dave asked if I would serve on the committee as the  membership chairman. All it would boil down to is keeping track of the membership role of the different units. I said I would think about it.

We have two cars that didn't pass inspection. The horn on the white station wagon doesn't work and I had no idea. I never honk the horn so I didin't know until today. The green car needs a backlight replaced (someone backed into in a parking lot...). Nothing major....just a pain.

I like Flashforward so far. I hope they manged to keep up this quality of programming without the wole thing going south.
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