That was the sound of my brain there such a thing as too much Stargate?...*g*.... 4 seasons is alot of caps to wade through and I have sporadic episodes from 5-10 (actually most of ten has gone *poof*..grrr)capped...bleh...Sam is working overtime...the desktop, not the character...*g*...but I'm having fun...really I am...but I need some help...this is where I beg, ask for your help...
If you watch the show...and most of you who are friends with me have at some point and time...let me know your favorite moments...funny...action landscapes....anything you might think of that would look cool as an icon....
I'm not complaining or anything, it's just that my brain is getting fuzzy and I need idea boosts..wanna play?
Of course all this is for the SG-1 LIMS community we are forming...which I can say is looking pretty good for a go...if you still haven't voiced an opinon on it check
this post out and leave us a comment if you are interested and feel free to pimp us out if you want...we like to be pimped..*g*
***On a totally random side note...finished my state taxes and wooo! I don't have to pay!!!!!
I don't get anything back but eh...I DON'T HAVE TO PAY!...I so happy..*bounce* to cap more Stargate...toodles!