Jun 09, 2018 09:43
Had our 20 weeks scan, bang on 20 weeks... and Sproglet tied itself up in such knots, in the most awkward position, so we have to go back in 2 weeks to do it all again. They could only get a few of the measurements they needed.
But we did find out that we're having a.........well, we know, but you folk will have to wait and see :D
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I have a horror story along those lines: my hospital roommate and her husband, when I had my second son, had taken not being able to see a penis on the scan as "definitely having a girl" despite the old adage about not being able to prove a negative. Alas, when Robert Jordan appeared to the world after more than 24 hours of labour and finally a C-Section, they were stuck with a nursery full of pink linens and frilly dresses. Mom and baby Robert were both groggy as hell from the leftover anesthesia from the procedure and neither doing so well at the latching on, so dad spent the morning alternately bellowing over the intercom to the nurses' station because the baby didn't want to nurse, and bellowing on the room telephone (this was before cell phones) to whomever was at their house about finding receipts and returning all the pink frilly stuff before they got home. The nurses finally told him to stop paging because they weren't going to answer any more, and the minute I could finally get the phone away from this moron I called my husband and demanded that he get me out of there, pronto.
Also, at that time US OBs didn't do 10-week scans, but I became pregnant with Daughter while we were on assignment in Surrey and had one there. While I was pleased (but not surprised, I was only 31) that the neck-fat-pad measurement did not indicate a Trisomy-21 baby, I was shocked as hell when the tech asked if this was an assisted pregnancy. Seems I had two egg-release cysts. Multiple ovulations are normal for women over 30 -- human eggs have a "best when used by" date and one's body steps up production as you get older to make sure as many as possible are released in good shape -- but I didn't know it at the time. It was an unplanned pregnancy in a foreign country, and the idea that it could have been twins freaked me silly.
Speaking of in utero happenings: I kissed the Blarney Stone two days before I discovered I was pregnant with Daughter. The child Never. Shut. Up.
I had a strong feeling about which flavour this kid would be. I was wrong. Not that we cared either way!
The main reason we're not telling anyone else is because I can't deal with all the heavily gendered baby gear out there. I don't understand it, and I don't like it, so by not telling anyone we're hoping to avoid a lot of it!
Jon has a lot of twins in his family, so we were pretty relieved when there was only one in there at 12 weeks! Which turned out to be 13 weeks, because I wasn't tracking and just made a guess. We only get a 12wk scan and a 20 wk scan here. Unless there's an issue, such as growth or some other indication of a problem, when you get more as-and-when. Or your child is so unco-operative - as ours is - that you need a re-scan to try and get all it's vital stats. But I don't mind seeing it again, so I'm taking it as a plus :)
We came back very low risk for tri-21 and the other two tri-somethings they measure for. Which was slightly surprising, given my age. But very welcome. And all the growth they've managed to measure so far is very average.
I drank a huge amount of gin the week before I found out I was expecting, and sat in a hot tub a lot....so let's hope the kid likes gin and chilling out :D
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