Sorry, sorry I know I’m terrible at updating when I say I am going to but- hey- what are you gonna do?
So life is good. I was pleased and excited to receive the award for professional presentation on my portfolio. I’m not conceited but it really is nice to see the work I put into this pay off. Sometimes I think what am I doing? I’ll never make it in the ‘business’ I’m not that special but then I was in my voice lesson and I was telling Cindy- my instructor- that I didn’t think I would ever be a lead in a musical because my voice is not strong enough and she looked at me like I had three eyes or something- but honestly right now I don’t think I can. My voice isn’t strong enough yet, but it will be. I am determined to succeed but resigned to failure- if that makes any sense. So I’ll just keep pushing myself harder.
But I did not mean to post about that- what I ment to say is that life is grand and I’m going to Rome with one of my best friends, and I have a monologue due today. Also in psychology we had to pick a food to be and I picked M&Ms, see If you agree.
1) Shape: M&Ms are round and wide but nod overly so, and fits in with the other round shaped candy (I am average size and bend in with those around me).
2) Color: Multicolored and outside one color inside another (Each different color green, red, brown yellow represents a different part of my personality, red-passion, green-smart, brown-warm, yellow-good-natured and cheerful, blue- friendly)
3) They come in groups and when you shake one out you never know which one you are going to get. (Sometimes a bubbly, or quiet or just having a relaxing day or an energetic day- you never know)
4) Uses: M&M’s complement all kinds of food- goes well with popcorn (the sweetness balances out the salty of the popcorn) or with skittles (the sweetness chocolate balances tempers the sugary sweetness of the skittle), or in southwest trail mix (balances out the spices)
5) Texture: hard outer shell, crunchy coating(somewhat abrasive and defensive at first- bitchy and perhaps overly honest also secure, secure, vivacious)
6) Melty insides: (self-assured, confident, bubbly on the outside to cover the inner vulnerability, shyness and self-consciousness; can be hurt so rely on outer shell to protect the inside)
7) M&Ms are candy and you can find them anywhere (I am an accessible and approachable person to friends and family)
8) If you have too many M&Ms you can become sick and not want to eat them for a while but people who love M&Ms are life-time fans.(If it gets to a point where I spend too much time with a person they may not want to see me for a while because of my “crunchy” exterior but to those who know me and get past the “crunch” I trust them and we are good friends)
9) Every now and again you will come across a M&M that doesn’t taste good. (Sometimes I have a very bad day where I am very abrasive and wield honesty like double edged broadsword)
10) M&Ms are well liked by most everyone-(This is how I see myself)
read it- do you agree? disagree? have a better food for me? Have a food for you? leve a comment!