Feb 19, 2007 12:01
What do you do? Do you Become a Sponge and let everyone else's emotions take over you. Do you stay true to yourself and have no one understand you? I've always gone down the later. I don't want everyone to understand me. Its impossible. I don't want people to come to the conclusion that I'm 2D either. I have hopes and joys like everyone else. I am a human being. I can't pour my soul out to everyone I meet.
There are aspects of any person. That means that there are three Roberts. One(1) The Robert who is both his physical makeup plus his conscious self. All of his experiences, thoughts, hopes, scars, future. Two(2) The Robert that Robert think he is, what he thinks he looks likes, sound likes, his Id. The part of Robert that will die when his body dies. Three(3) The Robert that everyone sees and hears, talks with and discusses. What other people think about him. That Robert will be the Robert that will be left behind when he dies.
Having said that, its clear to me that no one knows Robert #2. I mean no one ever can fully. Robert #2 doesn't exist to people whom see Robert #3. Its the difference between a baby and a senile old man. Perhaps those two beings are one and the same at different stages, but its almost impossible to fathom. As it is with me.
The image on the wall is not the essence. It is the absence of the essence. What you hear when you speak to me is only ten percent of my thoughts. You only know me a fraction, and you judge me harshly. So be it. I will try and let more people in. See whats rooting in my cellar. I won't survive life anyway. Might as well do something positive.