Fan squeeing and school

Jan 13, 2011 23:56

 So, I have recently encountered several new shows that I am squeeing over and I thought I'd update you all.

1) Ghost Whisperer: The adventures of a medium who owns an antique shop in a small town. It's cheesy, predictable, and sometimes a bit melodramatic. And I adore it. I can't help it, man- I love ghost stories of all kinds and this show delivers.

2) Ghost Hunt: Speaking of my love for ghost stories... This is basically Ghost Hunters: Anime style. The main characters run a paranormal research team and go around helping people. It has a great mix of funny, cute, and genuinely scary moments. Sadly, it is a very short anime. Apparently the manga goes on. I may have to read it.

3) Criminal Minds: So much love for this show! The crime stuff is great, but it's worth watching just for the interactions within the team. My favorite characters also have to be the two dorkiest. Garcia, the tech woman and Spencer Reid. Just...gah. I love it when nerds get to solve crime and save the day!

In school news, my schedule is straightened out and I'm working on acquiring all the books. Other than that, I'm just studying and trying to get over this cold thing. I feel like I've been sick more in the past year than I ever have before. I'm chalking it up to the stress of grad school lowering my immune system. Bleh.

Anyway, my classes:

Language and the Politics of Culture: Mostly about nationalism and identity forming through language. I'm mostly a material culture person, so this is a bit out of my expertise, but it is relevant to my interests. and, to be honest, it was mainly chosen to fit in my schedule.

Archaeology of Colonialism: Exactly what it sounds like. Examining the methodological constraints and possibilities of approaching colonialism from an archaeological perspective. I'm super excited about this class. So far the discussions have been great and as a Latin Americanist this is super relevant.

The Human Environment: Examining various conceptions of the environment, how humans shape it, and how these conceptions affect policy. I'm also really excited about this one. It looks extremely interesting and I have some ideas about how to incorporate this into my thesis.

There's this one kid who is not only in my preceptor group for MAPSS, but also in all three of my classes! I guess we better start liking each other! I signed up for one of the classes late so when I walked in and he was there I was like "I hope he doesn't think I'm stalking him." :p But he seriously seems pretty cool. He has good taste at least!

fangirling, fandom, anime, tv, school

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