My thoughts on various anime, manga, and Dark Shadows

Mar 14, 2010 19:50

Ah! Spring break at last! I slept almost all day today and it was awesome.

Mwahahaha! I've gotten my sister hopelessly addicted to xxxHoLic. You're welcome, sis, you're welcome. While I'm on the subject may I rave about how much I love this anime? OMG! Supernatural stuff, hilariously clueless/awkward Watanuki, deadpan Domeki, perky, heavy drinking Mokona and Yuko-just..Yuko. I love how she's all mysterious and serious one minute and "Let's drink all the sake in the house!" the next minute. And I just adore the fact that Mokona is her drinking buddy...and can keep up with her. LOL.

Speaking of my sister and anime, she's been watching Code Geass on youtube. I taught her how to screen cap, so I could share this hilarious subtitle FAIL with you.

That's right, guys. Fottage Taken by the Perpetraeor. That must be Srs Bzns

So, major FMA manga developments today:
LOL. I love how chapter 104 was like "Rocks Fall, Everyone (except the main characters) dies."
And then, chapter 105 was like "Hoenheim says SCREW THE ROCKS and revives everyone." Yay Papa Hoho! 
Other awesomeness:

--Ranfan showing up and being a BAMF.
--Finally killing Wrath. God, that took long enough!
--Izumi helping blind!Roy out of danger. Aww! She's so motherly.
--The souls used in the making of Hoho's philospher's stone getting revenge
--May being awesome and helping Hoenheim with her awesome Xinglese alchemy
--Izumi cracking her knuckles and preparing to punch a bitch in the last panel.

*Looks at icon* Why, yes, I am an Izumi fangirl, why do you ask? I want to be her when I grow up minus the whole "missing some of her internal organs" thing.

Finally, Dark Shadows.
1. Naomi Collins bitchslapping Trask. I'd seen it in gif form, but it's even better in context. I squeed.
2. Have I mentioned how much I love Barnabas' hatred of Trask. "I may be a fiend who lives off of the life blood of other humans, but at least I'm not a religious fanatic."
3. LOL Barnabas killing a woman hanging around on the docks prostitute and leaving her body in Trask's bed. Oh, Barney! You're such a multi-tasker!  Is it bad that the first thing I thought of was a headline? "Dead Prostitute found in bed of Conservative Religious Leader."
4.OMG! Barney going all Casque of Amantillado on Trask. I love it. Everything about it.

Barney was all "So, you admit that you persecuted Victoria Winters?"
and Trask was like "Yeah, whatever, just don't kill me!"
and then Barney was like "Write and sign a confession.
And Trask did and was like "Right, I'll just be going now..."
And Barney was all like, "LOL, what? No."
And Trask was like "But you said you'd let me go."
and Barnabas was like "I never said that. You signed it of your own free will."
And then bricks Trask up in the Old House, grinning the whole time.

I almost forgot how much fun evil!Barnabas is! Although Trask totally deserves it. I <3 you, Barney.

Also, I kinda am writing a crack crossover of crack between Dark Shadows and xxxHoLic. Just so I can write the epic conversation that would ensue between Barnabas and Yuko. It'd be freaking awesome. I don't even know what my problem is, so don't ask.

lolz, fangirling, fandom, anime, dark shadows, manga, full metal alchemist, xxxholic, fma, fail/win, vampire

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