Feb 15, 2007 17:06
When did it happen that it became acceptable to expect nothing? when was it that we became so cynical that no one actually expects the american dream anymore. I come from a generation of dreamers, and you know why? because we have hit the point where we come to see what is really the world, and what we saw was a world that has nothing for us. Adults twice our age cannot find jobs, cannot keep jobs. We are the most information saturated generation the world has ever seen, and what we see is a world where jobs go overseas, our government has the intelligence of a chimpanzee, whole regions of the world are ready to go off like dirty bombs, infecting everything around it, where hatred and self pity are ingrained into our culture, where, realistically, the content of our character--no matter who or what we are--will have nothing whatsoever to do with how we are judged.
WE have become sheep, yet again. we have become the slaves of television, of popular society, of a desperate rat race we cannot win. We blame those who cannot pull themselves up by their bootstraps, like its their fault they cannot make a living off the sweat of their brow, but we protect those who would hold them there. small business owners must be protected because they have gumption...or because they are a code word for something else, like how expesive it would be for McDonalds to actually pay their wage slaves decently. We don't expect these things because we expect to get beyond them...except the middle class is becoming the lower class. There is no getting by in America any more--there is doing unbelievably well and there is scraping. americans work harder than any other first world country--and 94% of the wealth belongs to 1% of the population. Whatever happened to democracy? If this were a real democracy, don't you think we would have taken some of that money away from them, to pay for things like, hospitals and social security?
Our televisions become our solace, our drug in a place where we can no longer have drugs (legally. can't have those slaves getting all happy now can we? thats all rebellious). the boob tube gives you its information jumbled in a sense of false order, creates for you a non-reality of non continuity. there is no cause and effect. no wonder debt is to such a huge level in america. There are no follow ups to anything. pay back my credit card debt? no, nothing bad will happen. not paying that and getting turned down for my car loan have nothing to do with each other. because there is no continuity.
When was the last time you watched a news program that brought previous events into the current situation, beyond a bit of sensationalism? and when did you last see any television that was not utterly sensationalist?
For that matter, why do we reduce our socalization to mere online contacts? we don't even talk on the phone anymore, no one actually writes letters or even decent emails. people play online games with people sitting in the same room. people spend hours and hours playing these games. the slow entertainment, goals being met, gains being met--because there is no tangible gain from effort in the real world, perhaps? because work should be entertaining, like everything else?
When was the last time you read a book that was non fiction for fun?
When was the last time you called a friend?
When was the last time you felt like you could be something interesting, something important, when work didn't just seem like a burden, a trudgery, nothing other than a paycheck?
My generation looks at the world, and sees nothing there for it. Doctor? Years of school, impossible malpractice insurance, abusive internships. Computers? Only going to go over to india in the next five years anyway. Education? teachers are treated like menial laborers, overworked, underpaid, and expected to perform miracles daily. Feel sad? take this pill. Feel depressed about your lifes outlook? take this pill. can't concentrate on something a human brain was never designed to be able to focus on? take this pill. too fat? take this pill? oh, that disagreed with you? take this pill. hate everything you see around you, the crassness of culture, the diseducation of the public, the apathy of the citizenry, the exhaustion of the people? don't worry, we'll have a pill for that too. In the mean time, watch some television.
Yeah, that will make everything better.