MCR fic: Study Break

Aug 31, 2011 21:45

Title: Study Break
Author: elf_skitzo
Fandom: MCR
Featuring: Gerard Way and Grant Morrisson
POV: third person limited
Rating: R
Summary: Grant likes surprising Gerard. He does so with his wardrobe. AU [~600 words].
Warnings: language, suggested (consensual) m/m sex
Disclaimer: This is a complete work of fiction and in no way represents the personal life of any real individual.
Notes: This was written for lobsterclaaaws via text message while she was at work! It was inspired by this picture. NSFW! Also, the title is kind of arbitrary - if anyone can come up with a better one, I'll change it and give you credit for it!

Grant likes surprising Gerard. Sometimes, though, it takes somewhat extreme acts to get Gerard's attention, especially when he comes home from class or the studio, lost in his head and whatever project he's working on. Grant doesn't mind though, he thinks of it as an excuse to be creative in yet another facet of his life - of their lives. Besides, Gerard is easily one of the most rewarding people Grant has ever met when it comes to surprises: the looks on his face are usually priceless, especially if it takes him a moment or two to catch on.

The final week of the semester would be on them soon and Grant knows perfectly well how busy Gerard will be, but every student - even art students - need breaks from the rigors of academic demand.

When Gerard comes home, Grant is already prepared. He's waiting in the bedroom, because Gerard always makes the same loop through his little apartment when he comes home: living room, kitchen, bedroom. Like clockwork, even if he has no need to go into any of those rooms. Sometimes he'll get distracted in one of the rooms, but Grant is patient.

"Grant?" he can hear the call from the front door.

"Back here, Gee," he answers.

"I was thinking maybe we could call Alex and do dinner or something. He's having problems with-- with... uhm.." There it is. The slightly slack-jawed, startled, aroused look Grant has been imagining since he found this leather jacket a week or two ago.

"With?" he prompts, as if he isn't standing there in just his briefs and a leather jacket.

"You're not wearing anything," Gerard says, wetting his lips as if his entire mouth has suddenly gone dry.

"I've my coat on." Grant is practically posing and he knows it; he knows it's effective because of the way Gerard's eyes rake over him, unsure of where to settle - of where it might be safe to look - while trying so desperately to regain some shred of composure or perhaps dignity.

"Yeah," Gerard says hoarsely. "Yeah. You do. I really like it."

"Would you like to help me out of it, Gee?" Ever since he heard Alex call Gerard that it's stuck.

"No!" Gerard pauses, as if he's startled by his own outburst. "I mean... no," he says again, quieter, as he finally slides his bag off and moves closer. "You should leave it on."

Grant feels Gerard's lips brush the last few words against his skin.

He sighs as Gerard sinks down, feeling his mouth brush over the scar on his stomach. He's never minded the attention Gerard pays it, and Gerard doesn't linger there long anyway. His first instinct is often to close his eyes, to savor the feeling rather than get distracted by the visual aspect, but this time Grant keeps them open, staring intently as Gerard mouths the (very noticeable, if he does say so himself) bulge in his briefs. It's titillating to feel Gerard's breath, the heat of his mouth and the wetness of his tongue through the fabric and to SEE it at the same time. Grant thinks perhaps he should keep his eyes open more often - even like this Gerard is terribly expressive, and it's beautiful enough that Grant wants to touch him; he does. First it’s just along his cheek until he reaches the firmness of his jaw, following that back to his ear, past it, and into his hair. It's still soft after their shower that morning. Grant doesn't even realize he's talking until he hears Gerard moan in response to something he's said. What was it?

"I'm going to fuck your throat tonight, Gerard."

Ah, that was it.

fandom, mcr:fic, bandom

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