too hot to sleep

Jun 05, 2011 01:46

My roomie wonders why I have three fans at night. This is why:

1) The small fan in the window pulls cool night air in.
2) The ceiling fan distributes this air and keeps it moving.
3) The box fan is pointed at my bed to redirect the air appropriately.
4) Your ass won't turn on the AC. Ever.

So this is why I have three fans. I don't use all of them all the time, but if it's too hot for me to sleep? Better believe they'll be on.

I had every intention of going to sleep an hour and a half ago, but now I'm awake. Gus the rat has decided dark time = dinner time, so I get to listen to his happy pasta munching. It's a good sound, though. He's ancient for a rat and I know he's not long for this world, so I feel pretty good when I see/hear him eating, drinking, or cleaning himself. As long as he still does all of that, we're good. He's a little climbing impaired these days so I've moved his food down to the one level he can still reach. He's been snuggling up to a bottle full of ice during the day (again, roommate/landlady refuses to turn on AC and I don't have the money to pay for ALL of it right now).

I have lots of ideas in my head for fics, for things to write in general. Most of them aren't making the trip to my fingertips. This has become increasingly frustrating, but at least I can still RP.

Lately I've been fighting with depression. It kind of crept up on me and now it's got a pretty good grip. I feel okay sometimes. Others, like today, I don't get out of bed. I really didn't get out of bed today for more than ten minutes (total) until this evening when I went to dinner with my roommate. It felt good to get out of the house and drown my woes in a margarita and queso sauce. I just didn't feel like anything and the idea of even moving was just exhausting. It's been like that on and off for the last two weeks or so, and I know part of it is because I don't have a job and barely have a plan on how to get through the summer now. Everything I did plan sort of fell to shit. I've gotten some reassurance from my family, but I still don't like having to rely on them. I don't live at home anymore, I should be handling myself a little better than this, at least. I know everything is going to be okay, it just doesn't always break through the fog, you know? I try to keep it together in front of other people, but it's got to come out somewhere, whether it's a woe-filled email to my mom or ranting in my little corner of blog-land.

On the good side of things, been doing some cool things with lobsterclaaaws (who is maybe also working on a little fic for me) and found some excellent shows available for instant watch on Netflix. I highly recommend 1000 Ways to Die for anyone into that kind of thing. I WISH I could write for that show. The commentary is priceless and is provided by Ron Perlman.

Okay, my room's finally cooling down. Let's try this sleep thing again.


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