Answers to the previous "meme"

Nov 29, 2006 14:46

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog entry with five complete lies about a muse of yours. That is, five things about the muse that are completely not true. Not even slightly. Then add something that is absolutely TRUE and the first person to guess which one is true wins. :) Then tag up to five people you want to turn into compulsive liars too.

The Lies

1. I thought to marry that wench Luthien for purely unselfish reasons.
2. I thought to marry that wench Luthien for purely selfish reasons.
3. After that beast Huan betrayed me, I didn't really care that he died.
4. I regret what happened in Nargothrond, but I wouldn't have acted differently, knowing the consequences.
5. I completely understand Finrod's actions though.
6. All the action and adventure was fun at the time, but now I lead a pretty laid back lifestyle.

Number Five was true I think. Of course, it was pointed out to me that numbers two and four do not meet the "not even slightly true" parameter, and that I therefore cheated. *shrugs*

meme, celegorm

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