Recently I have:
- Finished Game of Thrones, I've started Clash of Kings. So far I'm enjoying Clash of Kings more, it's pace is faster and I feel like GoT was all just set up for awesome.
- Bought a Ukelele, I practice everyday..I can play twinkle twinkle little star and Ode to joy. Go me.
- Started Painting again: currently working on a pixel painting of Flamey from Secret of Mana. I'm going to work on Pixel painting so Ziggy after I'm done.
- Downloaded 5 new games off of Steam...I plan on playing them and writing about them on my "professional" game blog...that I haven't updated since I started work because I suck.
- Watched Kung Fuu Panda 2 and it was awesome but made me cry like a little girl.
In general I'm trying to be more positive. I've been kinda down lately and other than my stupid house not selling, I don't have much reason to be down.
I miss playing table top with people physically at the table.
Ziggy is currently stalking a fly.