Well now!!

May 14, 2009 09:13

OK I know that no one will be reading this, but still I feel compelled to shout a hey, hello and a mass greeting.
I know that I have been absent from the writing scene, and that means that my fic is still unfinished, and I apologies for that, but like for so many others life got in the way!

I just spent the last couple of months coming out to friends and family, and while not traumatic or unpleasant it's still a pretty big adjustment, and so I would love to say that I will be writing again soon but alas...I have finals next month and really need to prep for that. I will however promise that some time during next month I will try my hand at writing again and finish the If Only series.

So if you got this far in my note and are one of the few who have been reading my story, thank you for your patience and I promise to try and make everything right in my little DWP universe ^_^


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