Oct 09, 2005 14:47
spent all dya yesterday with Ebony and Josh.
it was great.
We played Burnout 3 where I whooped Josh by >2mil each round.
then he got his revenge playing Halo2.
Then we realized that Ebony had no idea how to play, and we spent the next hour and a chunk teaching her.
I got burned out, not killing Josh, and was Halo'd out...
Ebony and I got food, came back and watched Josh playing two other guys. It was nice to see him playing against people at the same skill level. Josh told me to buy Halo2 for practive. I have Halo1, but there are some differences in Halo2, I will admit.
Then Josh showed me Sin City. it was better than I ever could have hoped!! :D LOVED IT!!!
Ebony told me that Serenity is even better.
Left Josh's dorm a little after visiting hours..
Walked back to the dorm, and did a Walgreens run. Watched some Pulp Fiction which was running upstairs, and eventually called it a night.
Now... homework.
Please dear God let there be an art store open today..!
my day,