Monthly Update

Mar 14, 2011 08:57

Ok, not much been going on, but gonna update anyways.
Knee: My PT gave me smt that has brought down the swelling more, and now I can see how weak my muscles really are… so am working harder to get them back up to strength :)
Apartment: Roof is fixed and walls are being painted this week; my apartment is a mess and am sleeping on the sofa atm since everything is on my bed!
Dehumidifier is working like a charm... has been on for 4 days and already gotten over 70litres of ware out of the air o_O
Had a 2 week holiday with my dad and step mum, was okay… will post pictures later.
Work is not so busy too which is cool since then I get to relax a bit and I have so much to do at home that I can concentrate on that too…
That is basically it… my life is kinda boring and always the same… once everything is right, will take pictures and update my website.
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