Aug 11, 2004 15:00
hey guys i'm feeling a lot better now [thank u corinne and liz].
so i was bored yesterday, went to the gym. lifted .2 pounds and was watching all the people lifting like ... 200. i was like hehehe i could SOOO do that. not. afterwards liz tells me we're going to corinne's to hang out and i haven't seen the two of them all summer and i barely see them now that i'm at st a's. so i was like okely dokely.
got to corinne's and we all exchange hugs cuz we're like I MISS UU and all that good junk. go upstairs to her middle floor where her piano is and decide to play with the sounds. quite fun hehe. we made a machine gun kill a bunch of people screaming and liz was having some fun pushing the buttons. then liz found my dance shoes in my bag and we decide to dance. we do all the positions in ballet cuz we're bored and then i decided to show off my flexibility and do an extension and split and liz tried to and corinne killed her.
so we go into the basement and call pat some more and liz is a lesbian with a deep voice. i killed corinne with the pillow sausage and she got all freaked out and liz was laughing for about 20 minutes. why? we don't know ... so i go upstairs to corinne's room and get the 8th grade yearbook so we can look at all the people. corinne and liz were playing mario kart. we were looking at all the people we missed and corinne was telling us a marc monroig story and we thought it was the cutiest thing ever.
then we tried eating pretzels with no hands and only liz was successful one time. we decided to call pat a thousand more times with liz being a lesbian and it was quite fun. i wonder how many messages we left him ...
anywaysss after that liz left so me and corinne cleaned the basement a lil bit then my dad came so i had to go. fun day =)
and liz is still a lesbian.