the arrogance of the left is demonstrated in the subtitle: "Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance"

Sep 25, 2010 12:16

well, i finally finished it. "Common Nonsense", by Alexander Zaichick. the left's critical analysis of Glenn Beck. and the author has failed to successfully argue his position. logic, persuasion, facts, statistics, all those aspects were absent from this book. the critical thinking i've been taught in college has served me well, carefully examining every word, sentence, and paragraph for some semantical veracity or truth in anything he's said, i have found him severely lacking, or at least, building his arguments on shaky, tenous, or irrelevant ground. never ONCE did he convince me on the superior logic of his argument, no matter how eager i was to have him point out a critical chink in Beck's philosophical armor. locked in his own narrow political dogma, he doesn't even TRY to see GB's point of view or even show an attempt to be empathic to his subject matter. in a word, he's dishonest. both to himself and to his readers, he doesn't try try to put himself in his subjects shoes and understand WHY he does what he does. he thinks that Glenn Beck is a liar and doesn't believe in what he's saying, never once does it cross the author's mind that there might be any other way to think politically than the author's point of view. to his credit, he's not rabid about his dislike for GB and hasn't reprinted many of the more sordid, scurrilous lies the modern left has told about GB in an effort to shut him up, but that is cold comfort in a book that does not exceed its authors own political boundries and proports to tell the truth and do a critical, objective analysis of it's subject. the author is sadly, a naked partisanker, bringing no fairness or objectivity, let alone any POSITIVE aspects to light of GB at all. Grade: D+ for his restraint. meant really only for the haters of Glenn Beck. for a honest examination of Glenn Beck's life and philosophy, look somewhere else.

Adam, you'll probably LOVE this book.

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