Oct 24, 2006 12:15
Can anyone explain to me exactly what waffle stomping is?
No, seriously. WAFFLE STOMPING.
This rant is officially dedicated to Don Young (House of Representatives), who has decided that us environmentalists are a "self-centered bunch of waffle-stomping, Harvard-graduating, intellectual idiots" who "are not Americans, never have been Americans, never will be Americans."
I have so much to say on this, but let me limit it to a few points:
1) "Self centeredness." OH RIGHT because we care about what happens to people and things outside of ourselves. VERY SELF-CENTERED. There is definitely some credence to saying that we have a first-world bias - and its something that responsible, thoughtful, and sustainable (by which I mean beyond environmentally lasting, but socially lasting) advocates and policy-makers have to grapple with. But selfish? Please.
This is also coming from one of (if not the) biggest pork-barrel politicians ever. Who is PROUD of this accomplishment. And who has had some very choice words to say about the victims of Katrina when someone suggested that some of the funds for things like the Alaskan "bridge to nowhere" be diverted. Right. Wait, who's self-centered?
3) That would be Yale, thank you very much.
4) I'm really tired of people believing that intellectualism is a bad thing. Heaven forbid we have someone in office who has an education and isn't afraid to use it. And one of the worst parts about this is that this goes beyond political office: this extends down to how our very government is structured. Experience, interest and education relating to say, environmental treaties is about the surest ticket to never being able to work on them unless you do outside the official auspices of the government. And then you basically get to participate in a big act of wasted effort and wishful thinking because the folks who work on this don't listen to you anyway. Because you stomp on waffles. (And government is stove-piped, special interest captured, etc.)
5) Representative Young, did Senator Stevens (your colleague from Alaska) send you an internet? You know, that thing made of tubes?
6) The whole excluding environmentalists as Americans is worse rhetoric than what Bush uses to justify stomping on civil liberties like free speech and privacy. This actually goes beyond the whole "if you're not with us, you're against us." Wow. Just... wow. I mean, I realize the guy has a grudge against Teddy Roosevelt and all, but get a grip.
7) I still don't know what waffle stomping is. Could someone explain this to me so I can rant about it too?
Appropriately today I got a maple macchiato which tastes like I'm drinking syrup (yuck). I'm going to go step on some breakfast foods now.