Jul 29, 2006 15:49
last night the following humourous top five was issued when the bar inexplicably began to play bad music: top five artists who could make this shit song sound respectable (the song was some pop drec that gets stuck in your head and caused several of us to holler at one another and at the bartender "I just want you to know who I am!" who does that shit? it doesn't matter who does it.)
statler bros.
screamin' jay
tom waits
things: I'm making":
a jukebox
another VA mix
something screwed and chopped
talked to m. up in buffalo yesterday. also talked to the people at work and made 'em aware of the possibility of me running off for several days in the nonetoodistant future. may well make a trip of going through jersey, ct, bklyn, and upstate ny to visit friends and record some music. maybe even maine, again, finally, if the math is right and I remember the right knots.