Oct 30, 2005 23:11
what a wild month. I'm tempted to just leave it at that since I don't have the time or inclination to really do about fifty stories justice simultaneously (my grandfather once tried to do that, though) at the moment.
I will say, though, that this month has featured a fuckton of good music. lots of great concerts pretty much across the board though leaning toward the trad end of things what with Richmond's recent highland games. here, for posterity, are the four documented stages in the consumption of whiskey-infused coffee: energy, communication, power, chaos.
our capoeira grupo got kicked out of our space, AGAIN, and there's a lot of bullshit drama surrounding that, but we do at least have a new space now, all painted up and christened and looking dope. we've played in there already. mestre panão is thinking of coming to live here, and mestre pizute just finished making about ten berimbau to send to me. those things make me glad.
I ran into four of my old kung fu brothers last night, and we acted up in the club a little bit, and that made me glad too. it's pretty funny when the bouncers all pull someone into the club instead of throwing 'em out.
more later. I gotta go have my second dinner at the moment.