Today is a day of closure. Kinda

Apr 27, 2004 13:07

Just over an hour ago I turned in my last assignment for the semester.

On friday I had my last classroom class of undergraduate studies ever.

Sunday, yesterday and today I wrote my last paper ever for undergraduate studies.

On April 9th I skipped class for the last time.

On March 30th I took my last actual notes in a college undergraduate class.

On February 24th I had my last exam for undergraduate studies.

I'm a very very excited to not have to have class anymore, and not have homework, and not have tests to study for, and not have grades to worry about.

You don't understand how happy I am and how wonderful it feels.

Yet there's this weird feeling of loss as well.

It sounds weird but it's there. I've been a student for the past 9 years. I started High School and did that thing for 4, and I was a full time student for 4 years after that, and a part time student for the last year.

Being a student was a major part of who I am, or was. Whenever I filled out surveys or questionnaires, I always checked the student box when asked for occupation. Up until my dad was laid off, I was on his insurance since I was a full time student. I always had to save all the money I made so I could pay tuition. I was working to be able to pay my bills and go to school. I would miss hanging out, or have to leave early because of class in the morning, or a paper that needed to be written or a test that needed to be studied for. When I worked at Big Boy I would do homework or study during my break, and late at night when I had to close. I would get together with friends at Denny's or Big Boy, or Ram's Horn to do homework and study.

Being a student was a major part of my life. It wasn't just the class part. I made a few friends I only see on campus because we are all in the psych program. But as the paragraph above shows, this "being a student" seeped into all aspects of my life. It was a major part of who I was and my personality.

In fact this last semester, when I had to bring in three things that sum up who I am, I brought in a guitar pic to represent my music, a pen to represent my writing and creative side, and a text book to show that I'm a student.

Summer Vacation isn't summer vacation anymore it's just Summer.

However, this didn't just occur to me. I've been realizing this for a while (maybe it was when I brought the text book in to sum me up, and I realized that I won't be a student for much longer). Don't get me wrong I am over joyed that I don't have to go to class anymore and I don't have all the bullshit to worry about. But still it's losing a small piece of yourself.

It's like that person that was always there, no matter how much you liked them or disliked them at times, they were always there, and one day they are not there anymore. You're still the same person, but you feel loss because that constant piece of your life is gone.

But I am not graduating yet. I still have an independent study class over the summer. This means no classroom, but still lots of work and research on the computer, and meeting with the professor that will be in charge of my independent study course (basically I have to run, analyze and write up an experiment I designed, trust me it's more time consuming and harder than it sounds).

So maybe this is a way to transition school out of my life. I'll still have work to do, but I won't have to go to class, and I won't have deadlines for assignments, and no tests or quizzes to study for anymore. I'll be a half student over the summer. So it may be a good way to transition out of being a student.

I'll be working many hours at my server job, doing the rest of my internship, and doing my independent study course over the summer. So it's like being a half student

Also this past semester I did an internship in the psychology/counseling field, and I've really enjoyed it, and they like me and my efforts there. In fact, the director (my intern supervisor) at Growth Works (where I did my internship) has mentioned that since my hours are almost completed, I should stick around and keep in touch for when I do graduate and get my B.A. so if a job could open up.

So that's another way to transition out of being a student. I started there at Growth Works as a student learning and getting class credit, and hopefully I'll be transitioning into being an actual paid employee.

So maybe it's not as bad as it seems. In fact I'm very excited to be done with school.

But I'm also very afraid of growing up and moving into the real world.

But that's just my opinion I could be wrong

Quote of the Day:"Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new." Og Mandino

Bonus Quote of the Day:"If you've never met a student from the University of Chicago, I'll describe him to you. If you give him a glass of water, he says, "This is a glass of water. But is it a glass of water? And if it is a glass of water, why is it a glass of water?" And eventually he dies of thirst." Shelley Berman (It's funny because I know some very intelligent people like this)
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