Hello !

Feb 08, 2009 23:09

It has been awhile since I've updated this thing. Let's see where to start.. It seems like everything has changed. Mervyn's went out of business and I stayed to the last day. It was heartbreaking to say goodbye to my coworkers, friends, and family. That experience was horrible and never have I been treated so poorly by customers that just don't understand. But it was heart warming to see how much the people in our store came together before we were torn apart. After that madness I enjoyed a wonderful one month vacation from alarm clocks and responsibility over others. It was great to spend time just relaxing after running around crazy for the last three months. I got a job at JCPenney in the windows department. It is a commissioned job and that worries me since I won't have a set pay check. At the same time it excites me because it is a challenge.

I'm excited about school this semester because I have to do service learning. That means I get to spend 30 hours in a classroom. I'm trying to get into my old elementary school because I think it would be fun to visit the place I spent so much time growing up. A class that I'm really enjoying is Children's Literature. My teacher reads a chapter of a story every day, like teachers did after recess. I just finished reading my favorite book as a child, The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodle. It you ever want to get lost in your imagination and feel like a kid again I strongly encourage you to read this book!

Our lease is up at the end of March. Can you believe it has already been a year? We love this house but it just doesn't work out for us. But we learned what to look for in our next house. We are looking for something cheaper. Hopefully we can move to Tempe because then I would be closer to school and work. Also I would be closer to a lot of bars which would be great since I'll be turning 21 in less than a month!

I hope all is well with everyone! HAPPY 2009!
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