
Feb 26, 2008 23:28

Woke up with his arms around me. Too early, it always is! Went outside, "it's a beautiful day!" ... Then I went to school and checked into my English class then went to the library and checked out some veggie books for a research paper. Bought a delicious ice coffee and went to my spot, the green grass! Took off my shoes, rolled up my pants, and read. Then I listened to music and people watched. I felt so connected to everything today. I think I have just been so busy that I havn't had the real down time to observe the details and get lost in my own head. And it's not like I don't feel like myself usually but today I felt even more like myself. You either get it or you don't I can't explain this one! I think I am going to try to give up SOME other animal by products. Just learning about everything assures me that I don't need it. Neither do the animals or the environment. If I can give up meat I can give up anything (almost). So goodbye omelettes and cottage cheese. (BTW if you want some FREE cottage cheese let me know, really) I'm doing really well in school and I am proud of myself. After letting myself down so much with school I am glad I am doing it like I knew I could if I just tried. I am very much looking forward to moving out with my friends. I feel like a visitor at my house and I think it is time to 'spread my wings' This weekened is camping and I cannot wait! Relaxin' with a bunch of my friends will be so nice. Monday I turn 20. After my Mimi recovers we are going to get glamour shots again, 10 years later. Blahb lah I'll end this now! I hope you guys are all having fun, learning a lot, laughing even more, loving, appreciating, doing your HW, rocking out, painting, and becoming (always becoming) that person you want to be for the rest of your life. Love you and goodnight! sweeeeet dreams too
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