Ahh... Torri Higginson... bravo on this episode.
And here are my absolutely random little snippits that come to me while I watch the show. It may make sense... it may not. :D
ooh...ronan and teyla share a look in the ship. yay for spanky.
ronan is male form of goldilocks. :) heeh. that's a hint buddy... dreads maybe aren't the best thing.
it amuses me that at first glance the security ship in the beginning is sort of similar to the ship in farscape that is shown in farscape's miniseries.
wouldn't the ancient puddlejumpers be able to detect the bomb... just a question. ahh, but later we get a half-assed explanation with a simple phrase like, "low-tech vs high-tech". i guess it makes sense.
for those that see the pictures of the two cast members before the show starts again when the narrator guy says, "you are watching stargate atlantis"... when teyla and ronan get there own what was that weird head nod thing that teyla did, kind of a mix between "i know that our characters are going to get it on" and a chiana head twitch. you will never be a farscape character, dear.
"what am i? macgyver?" :D oh... you writers are so clever.
ahh, look... weir fixed her "major sheppard" to "colonel sheppard"
i love that with a single eyebrow raise, you can completely understand what weir is trying to say. brilliant.
"i'm just naturally lazy"... BWAH
ewww... wraith drool
the correct ending of weir's statement... "i promise you if...(and instead of being interrupted, finishing with)...if my sheppard gets hurt I will personally throw you into the hands of a hungry wraith."
I FRELLIN' LOVE WEIR. Don't frell with her! <--written at the end of that scene with the magistrate where she puts him in his place.
hehe... did you notice that at one point when the convicts are coming back after the wraith dart and john, ronan, and teyla look out of the puddlejumper... sheppard kind of bumps into teyla but doesn't care. :) that's because john loves weir and teyla loves ronan! YAY
HE CAN'T BREAK THE STICK!! BWAHHHHH... hahaha... rubbing his knee. ;)
Anyways, I'm off to watch SG-1 since I had to record it..arghh.