Well, by this time tomorrow, two major things will have happened:
1. I will have finished my final day at work at Central Library. Which means, I will have said goodbye to all my friends there, which means I will probably be very mopey and depressed by the time I go home. Gaah, I get teary just thinking about it. ;_;
2. I will either be at, or on my way to, a hotel at the base of Lookout Mountain with my dear friend B, her mom and mine. At the top of the aforementioned mountain sits Covenant College, aka the College-of-My-Dreams, where we will be attending their preview weekend until Saturday afternoon. Eeee, B and I will be staying in the dorms Friday night, and attend classes! I'm so excited. And kind of nervous at the same time. Suddenly college is looming closer than ever before.
So, tomorrow should be a mix of good and bad. It's sort of a crossroads, I guess - I'm saying goodbye to a fun job, fun co-workers and an awesome boss, but saying hello to (hopefully) a fun college, fun classmates, and fun professors. So say a prayer for me, everyone! Tomorrow's gonna be an emotional rollercoaster. (Thank GOD I'm not on my period. O_o)
In other news, I emailed one of my very favorite (published) authors, Gerald Morris - he writes that "The Squire's Tales" Arthurian series that is marketed as Young Adult but is really a bloody brilliant series for all ages, which I HIGHLY RECOMMEND, especially to those with a Monty Python-esque sense of humor - and got an email back that same evening!! I asked him a few questions about writing, which he answered - turns out he is a lot like me (albeit wiser, highly successful, and more talented) and he had some awesome advice, which I am attempted to take to heart. So I am very happy right at this moment. Wish me luck, I'm getting serious with my original fiction now!!
Incidentally, I am reminded that I never posted the link to my recent collection of original drabbles that I posted over on
FictionPress.Com. There are six drabbles, one from the perspective of each of Henry VIII's wives, on their individual definition of love. An odd topic for me, I know, but what can I say? Inspiration struck. :D Please do check 'em out if you are interested, and let me know what you think!!
Okeydokey, gotta plot out what clothes I'm going to pack. Yippee!
Hope everyone's having a good week!!! Love y'all. *hugs f-list*