Mar 03, 2005 14:37
bonjour space cadet
je dois ecrire un mot mais seulement un mot parce que j'ai beaucoup de typer dans mon journal pour le ... benefit ... de ma directeuse academique ...
toulouse, c'est une ville riche et mysterieuse mais c'est un etranger - nous n'avons pas deja fait (arrgh la langue) la connaissance et je ne suis pas satisfié.
ok, enough with the french pour la momente parce que I'm not equipped to express myself in it - I haven't been writing becuase I wanted to have ecstatic or scandalous tales to recount to you but so far I haven't had any - I'm actually getting a bit lonely and bored because I never see the other people in my program (and I don't really relate to most of them, anyway) and I seldom have oppurtunities to meet french people, for two major reasons; one, it's wet and freezing here, so it's no fun hanging out in the streets, and two, its difficult for me to go out at night becuase I'm kind of far from everything and the bus that takes me home quits at I think 8 (but there's a night bus, but I have the homestay thing, and I feel weird coming home at 2AM on weekdays when they know I have to be up at 7 for class, even though I don't think they'd say anything) and our only classes are french classes right now and so I consequently don't have enough to think about. I've discovered that I'm really interested in people, and consequently when I'm hanging out with people i'm thinking about them, but the downside is when I'm not hanging out with anyone I think about myself which gets old fast.
anyway, I've joined an art class full of little old men and women and emailed a bunch of people who are interested in conversation exchange whose names i found at the CRIJ and am supposed to meet another one this weekend ... I met one last week (we have to do this for school, by the way - not necesarrily sign up for one of these language exchange things but find a language partner to talk to in french, and because I fail at life I failed to find one, donc, the language exchange bulletin board at the CRIJ) who turned out to be an incredibly nervous 27 year old engineer and the conversation was no fun at all. But this new one's a girl and seems a little spunkier - we'll see, I suppose - i had to change the date of our rendez vous like three times becuase i never know my schedule.
I'm going through music withdrawl because I keep not being able to go to shows because the only ones i ever notice that look cool are either inaccessable or conflict with my schedule - our weekends here are almost always pretty busy. I'm dying to go dancing but that's the one thing I can't do by myself, and the people I'm here with keep being lame and we never go. And anyway, clubs are gross - I'm trying to get people to go to this salsa thing friday where I hear there's a live band, but i think I might have to go alone (which might not actually be so bad, in this case, because if people are freindly someone might think its fun to show me how to dance) anyway, bitch bitch bitch. Either way, I know I'm going to miss toulouse when I'm back in baltimore.
alright that was more than a mot, I hope everything's going well in chi town, and whats this about a turk carré?
love and all that jazz (or jazz and all that love) ~ liz