Jan 25, 2006 12:29
Yo ya'll.
Everyone is slowly leaving Roxburgh again and I'm going to be all alone with my four other class mates and all the younger devils who annoy me with a passion..
More importantly, in the Weekend I attended a Famine Leadership camp in Christchurch which consisted of loads of inspirational speeches and a game where we performed tasks that the children in Child Labour do for long hours every day of their lives, for example:
We had to carry buckets of water (fucking heavy) for a very long distance with our shoes filled with stones and some people had their arms bound, or.. picking up grains of rice from the gravel road and filling the cups provided without any grit in them, or.. smashin bricks on rocks into tiny pieces blindfolded.
All the while people weren't allowed getting a drink or anything even though the sun was painfully hot and everyone got burnt.
Also I made friends with this girl called Ruby. It was pretty funny when we found out we had the same name.
And the other girl I made friends with is Alan Parker's (my mum's boyfriend) neice. Favourite niece apparently.
The long 8 hour drive there and back was all worht it though because I'm completely inspired and have joined 'Children in Crisis' which means I make a 20 dollar donation every month to children without families, jobs, education etc.
I feel very passionate about this, yeh know.
If anyone wants to sponsor me for the famine then go to www.famine.org.nz and my user name is ElevenEleven so type that in and it should have my information.. I'm not sure exactly how it works yet.
It says:
People from overseas are able to sponsor you too. Their online transaction will be processed in New Zealand Dollars through the Famine website.
When someone goes to your online Famine Book and decides they want to sponsor you they should complete the "sponsor now" form.
I'm living in a box for 40 hours on rations of food and water, same clothes.. everything. It's going to be disgusting, but people will sponsor me for it.
And I'll get in the paper, along with a couple of others who are doing it, too.
I met Nathan King, the lead singer of Zed (the coolest new zealand band) and he sung and all sorts and he's naming his daughter Ruby. And he has my number. =) He's SO hot.
Last night Olivia and I invented shots. We had Whiskey and Bicardi mixes along with god knows what else.. We got extremely wasted. T'was fun times. Text all sorts of people. Got some interesting replies in the morning lol.
I love you.
I better go because this is costing me loads so.. yea..
OH you go to www.famine.org.nz/ElevenEleven