Happy New Year!
Had a fun night! Went to see the thing in Hershey, which was nice, and no one seemed to care that four college kids were drinking rum whilst the little kiddies danced around us. Am glad I got to see Randi, Katie and Vera in Hershey, for they are lovely people, especially when they have been drinking. Hee.
I also really want to upload the silly pictures I took, but all of my image-hosting is being a pain. Maybe later. For now, about my New Year:
In 2007:
will you try to eat healthier?
I am going to try. I realllllly need to, my diet is disgusting.
will you take up some form of excercise?
Nope. I am way too lazy.
what new things will you try to learn?
I don't know. Hopefully something to do with writing, new techniques or exercises or what have you.
will you try to improve your financial situation?
Oh my god yes. It's so bad right now.
are there any bad habits you hope to break?
Eating fast food so often. I'm an addict.
are there any fears you'd like to try and overcome?
I really don't feel like my minor fear of spiders is affecting my life that much, so I won't bother.
will there be any lifelong goals you'll try to accomplish?
Start working towards my bachelors?
will you move to a new place?
Yes, yay!
what new things will you try for fun and adventure?
Travel to new places, i hope?
will you try a new look?
I doubt it.
will you try to eat something you've never had before?
I'll try anything.
will you be getting any tattoo's?
will you be getting any piercings
Doubt it.
will you try a new hairstyle or color?
I'll never dye my hair, but I might try a new cut.
will there be any charities you'll be active in?
Maybe the humane society?
Have you made any new years resolutions?
Just to eat healthier.
Do you have any plans on keeping them?
I hope to...
If you fail before the year is up, is that it or you gonna try again?
Keep trying. I don't mind falling off the horse.
Do you have a Valentine?
I do.
If not, do you want one?
Who else is going to buy me chocolate?!?!
What do you want for your birthday in 07?
love from everyone!
Will you party for St Patricks day?
Probably not.
How about Mardi Gras?
Probably not.
What would make Christmas in 07 the best ever?
Peace on earth? and something shiny?
This Or That
2007; New beginning or Same old shit
Probably same old for the first half of the year, since it's back to hacc, and I'm not moving. Hopefully around June I get a new beginning, what with moving and starting at a new school and all...
See what life brings or Make things happen
i'm a see what life brings sort of person, but currently trying to make things happen with a new school and job!
Single life or a serious relationship
serious relationship.
New love or Make a current love stronger
current stronger.
Party more or Party less
About the same, I suppose.
New Job or Raise/promotion at the current
New job to see me through til old job starts. Doubt there's a raise there, though.
Work harder or Relax more
Work harder, alas.
Save money or Stop being so cheap
Saaaavveee, I'm a terrible compulsive buyer.
Travel more or stay home more
travel. I'd like to spend some time in Boston this year.
Make new friends or Spend more time with current friends
more time with current! I hardly ever have time for current, so new friends are pretty much out of the question. Unless I meet some fancy new people at school and I think they would like my current friends.
Top 5's
Top 5 Places to go in 07
1. New school!
2. Boston
3. New home, whee, am excited!
4. beach? NYC? random road trips are fun.
5. England, alas my dreams are going to have to wait until 2008.
Top 5 Famous people to meet in 07
Umm. Someone with a lot of money who will share it with me?
Top 5 People to see more in 07
1. Bet bett better!
2. Katie Cyborg, that cool cat.
3. Griss
4. I should go see my parents/relatives more.
5. Um... my therapist? :D
Top 5 Things to do in 07
1. Start new school!
3. work at that crazy KAS
4. new job, save $$
5. travel, just a bit.
Top 5 Ways to improve yourself in 07
1. eat healthier, woe.
2. write more.
3. read more.
4. study more. stop procrastinating work by wasting time on the internet. :(:(:(
5. see more of my friends, who make me laugh so hard and are good for my soul. <3
And finally
One new years wish to make your 07 truly Happy:
I wish for happiness with all new endeavors I begin this year, school, work, home, etc. I wish all current happenings work out as well as they have been. I wish for laughter, love, happiness, creativity, health, friends, family, and a fabulous work ethic. Ha.