Oct 13, 2006 15:13
Ahh, so I had a wonderful birthday! To steal a word from Randizzle, HUZZAH! for all of my loffly friends! HUZZAH! for red-headed sluts and captain on acids! and HUZZAH! for Eric buying them for me! HUZZAH! for Kokomo's and their fantasty ways! HUZZAH! for delicious hot tubs (but don't drink the hot tub water!!!) and for Craig tolerating all the drunks at his house! HUZZAH! for Amanda giving me more liquor that didn't last very long, but made me v. sparkly! HUZZAH! for Katie's homemade scarf that i loff! HUZZAH! for the Foxes and their loveliness and they friended me, yay! HUZZAH! for Griss having me out to her lovely casa, and for v.v. spicy wings! HUZZAH! for Brian for having a halloween party, thus enabling me to wear my Gryff Girl costume that I have spent $100 on! HUZZAH! for Bett coming home this weekend, for I get to see my one true loff! HUZZAH! for my sister, because she is my sister and i lovers her! HUZZAH! for my boyfriend, for buying me a pink ipod for my bithday which I am now hopelessly addicted to! HUZZAH! for my baby pink ipod, which I have named Pippin! HUZZAH! for being a hopeless nerd! :D
Oh, yes, and HUZZAH! for finally getting a job! XD
HUZZAH! for life, for it is good.