A Nightmarish Song
Author: daxcat79
Rating: PG-13 (slightly R-ish)
Pairing: Eleven/River Song, Rory Williams/Amy Pond
Genre: Horror, Drama, Romance, Action/Adventure
Warning: Violence, Scary Parts (Horror), Everyone’s Favorite Monsters
Summary: ‘Save River Song,’ that’s all it said. A note slipped in the pocket of Amy’s jacket, and those three words.
A/N: The events of this fic take place shortly after ‘Night Terrors’ for Rory, Amy and the Doctor. River’s timeline will be revealed in the story as it progresses. Most of the story is mapped out, and I plan on updating at least every other day as long as there is interest. Yes this story will probably be scary, if I can manage it, so probably not a good idea to read it in the dark. Enjoy! :)
Disclaimer: I do not own the show or it’s characters.