Title: Electric Void
Author: PhoenixDragon
Genre: Gen
Characters/Pairing: Eleventh Doctor, OCs mentioned, TARDIS
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 462
Warnings: Angst, Horror, Dark!Fic, Character Study, Introspection, Spoilers for 7.13 (mild, but there)
Summary: A captured breath, a moment of time that had never happened, never would. Like the endlessly burning black-hole-to-be at the center of a TARDIS.
Disclaimer(s): I do not own the scrumptious Doctor or his lovely companions. That honor goes to the BBC and (for now) the fantastic S. Moffat. The only thing that belongs to me is this fiction - and I am making no profit. Only playing about!
Nothing grew here. X-Posted everywhere like Whoa